
Latest (Version 2.0 – awaiting App Store approval)

  • We’ve updated the code to work better under newer versions of iOS.
  • Updated “share” dialog sends both the artist and the album.
  • The bug sometimes caused by being paused “too long” has been fixed.
  • We’ve added album covers from the iTunes API.
  • There are now indicators for live DJ and live performances.
  • We’ve stripped down the “now playing screen” to just artist and track.
  • Now runs on the iPad in split-screen mode.
  • Also runs on Mac OS!

What’s New

  • We reordered the fields on the “now playing” screen: track on top, artist in the middle, and name or release on the bottom, for live shows and for when we have all three items available from the server. (We’re working on making sure the server sends them for all tracks!)
  • The privacy policy reflects your rights under GDPR and CCPA.

    Bug Fixes

  • The “now playing” information looked odd in some cases. We’ve updated that display to look better.

Initial Release

Version 1.0

The first release!

  • Show the current track playing on both the station select screen and the ‘now playing’ screen
  • Show just the RadioSpiral logo until we convince Apple we have permission to use the covers too.